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Saturday, March 1, 2014

[EAv] Empire Avenue Most Active Players List by (е)GETITCOOKED, (е)EPLUSGAMES & (e)7а 2014-01-01 - 2014-01-03

Thanks to Richard McLaughlin (e)RICHMCL for reminder. We are (е)GETITCOOKED, (е)EPLUSGAMES & (e)7A going to make once a month or two most active players lists. It based on weekly Top Supporters lists posts.

Today it's players who was on 4 or more lists since beginning of the Year 2014-01-01 - 2014-01-03:
(e)5185JB - 5, (e)ADEB - 5, (e)AJMM - 4, (e)ANGUS1 - 4, (e)ANTATEK - 5, (e)AZHARI - 4, (e)BIGBLUESKY - 7, (e)BIZARROGUY - 4, (e)CASHCONNECT - 6, (e)CIDERMAKER - 4, (e)CVICHIEE - 4, (e)DESIGNALIFE - 4, (e)EPLUSGAMES - 4, (e)FENYA - 5, (e)FRANKWILHELM - 5, (e)GEORGEJLLOYD - 5, (e)GETITCOOKED - 5, (e)GODSENT247 - 5, (e)GR8LISTENER - 4, (e)GWEIR - 8, (e)HANTEN - 6, (e)HERSCHBERG - 5, (e)HERX - 6, (e)HILGOS - 4, (e)HLEICHENRING - 4, (e)HSPHEALTH - 4, (e)HWBAILEY - 4, (e)IPOMAVEN - 6, (e)JMHHACKER - 5, (e)JOSUECORNIER - 5, (e)KAREALCONTIN - 4, (e)KVVINTO - 4, (e)LEARNEDWORDS - 6, (e)MADGETT - 6, (e)MANFRYS - 4, (e)MARALLA2 - 4, (e)MILIEUNET - 6, (e)MITHUHASSAN - 4, (e)MOUNTAIN - 6, (e)NABUCO - 5, (e)NICIASONOKI - 5, (e)NIGELOHRUM - 4, (e)PAULTAKEUCHI - 4, (e)PCARRIER - 4, (e)PFGREGG - 4, (e)QUADRA - 4, (e)R2RM - 7, (e)RICHMCL - 4, (e)SANDOR - 5, (e)SCOTTY1 - 4, (e)STEVEKROHN - 5, (e)TAXTERRY - 8, (e)WEBMENTOR - 5, (e)WEBSTERMCN - 4

The most active so far are (e)GWEIR - 8 and (e)TAXTERRY - 8, those guys Rock!

Happy spring my friends :) #invest
PS. Share please ;)


  1. Replies
    1. I have no more precise statistics, so 4 times, how many missions one time I can't tell :) Thanks a lot for support and being active, have an amazing week ahead of You!
