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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Applied Social [Media] Magic #Book - SocialBro

I was on vacations for 2 weeks and was cleaning up my work for 2+ weeks, so find some time for the next chapter only today.

Here is draft table of contents of a my #book draftly named Applied Social [Media] Magic still considering Applied Social Magic and Social Media Magic titles. Today's topic is number 20 - SocialBro.

I'm affiliate so don't be surprised with a link.

I don't remember how I found the app and desired to try app with version 0.31 or 0.39 beta but did it and increased followers count in a Year from 1500 to 11000.

It was Air app for a desktop first then it was Chrome app and now it work in browser. Also first it was free for beta testers and then became paid. I used free version as long as possible but larger communities require faster and faster connection and synchronizations became slower and slower. With half price for a first 3 month I've went Pro.

I don't know current limitations of a free version, have to look and I think it's quite enough to start.

So what is SocialBro and even more interesting question is what is for?
1. It's a tool to build. Your community in plain words to search people with advanced serching/filtring options. Also it can be used for clean up.
2. It's a tool to see what's going on with Your community, is it growing or decreasing, who is in and out, who is influences You and by whom are You influenced and many, many more criteria.
3. It helps You to find a proper time to tweet, now Hootsuite can autoschedule itself but anyway.
4. It can send multiply direct messages by criteria but this feature is on the next plan then mine and I haven't tried yet.
5. It develops, support team is open and active.

The topics is large so a bit today and more tomorrow and on Friday.

[UPDATE] It's taken me nearly two month to get back to the topic.
So let's get back to more detailed info with screens and make some conclusions:

1. Home screen let's You accces Your accounts with quick stats, free test account and plan status allowed connections (following, followers, searches etc.) vs. actual ~47K form 50K.

2. How many connections, accounts do You have, can upgrade custom plan, once again 50K connections is base for my custom plan cost.

3. Dashboard - a  lot of stats and several tabs are really useful for me:
  • Evolution - graph of followers fit a forecast and numeric values how many added
  • Engagement - how many mentions, fav and RTs was last month
  • My influencers, I influence - shows whom I retweets|fav and who retweets|favs me
  • New followers - good feature for welcome tweets
  • All other - not recently used by me
All the info can be shares and is shared for daily stats tweets, #FF tweets and as already said welcome tweets.

4. Tools - all tools looks useful and actually I don't use any of them much. Mention helper looks best of all for saving time.

5. Community - first image is for twitter search #socialmedia and the second is for my @real7a twitter account. There are a lot values and stats and really useful info as for me:
  • true/potential reach and it's avail only for the search community not account somewhy or I didn't found it
  • number of people who tweets on topic and not yet followed by You
 so You can see how many people may see Your tweets and acquire relevant audience.

6. Member not followed by You - here You can fist find, filter by custom parameters, like followers aspect ratio, time since last tweet and influence by Kred's version, My Kred Communities Score is 839 of 100 (level 9 of 12). Useful info is yellow triangle on user's profile, it's a user that You unfollowed previously, don't follow again not to annoy her/him also You can blacklist this user not to follow accidently. Anybody can be whitelisted likewise to stay followed for sure :)

7. You also can save Your filters not to drag sliders every time.

That's all for now and the conclusion is completely unexpected. SocialBro service is just great, developers knows their business and it became to expensive for me, we are extremely active with our new project promotion, we already have 12K+ likes on Facebook Page and expecting 50K+ new followers at twitter @getitcooked + ~ 700 a day, so our plan is becoming more and more expesive while sales not yet started, so I had to cancel plan for a while.

Looks like service is perfect for to start with and must be great for professional business use and for mid range is too expensive or haven't found the way to monetize properly %) Hope to get back to SocialBro business plan soon.

What do You think? Welcome to ask questions I'll try to respond ASAP.

More articles for Applied Social [Media] Magic #Book are here.


  1. With Twitter's latest changes, SocialBro isn't available free for accounts with more than 6000 followers.

    1. Free accounts are useless anyway. In other words not useless but nearly impossible to use %) I'm with the service from the early beta and had to buy premium pretty fast.

  2. At the first look, it is real well doe. All very orderly, nice and neat, easy tk read, and pleasant for the eyes. I need to come back, for at this moment I do nnot have the time to read it all. I have stored the URL and will be back over the weekend and say more about it. Have a great weekend :-)

  3. Looks interesting but the free accounts are almost useless
