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Friday, June 28, 2013

Empire Avenue Top Supporters List by (e)7a (28th of June 2013)

First of all thanks to (e)michaelqtodd for the idea, based on #socialmedia activity not on finance Yeild/AWS and so on %)

So I've to created a list of (e)7A (my) top supporters of the week.

A lot of great people made a lot of supporting actions for us over #socialmedia so saying thanks for completed missions to:


On Monday I'll teach Tanya to return a favour to people who made missions for (e)EPLUSGAMES and our top investors.

Thanks once again, grab some free eaves and Happy Fiday :)

PS. Share please ;)


  1. Enjoy your games - glad you are in the EAPw/H facebook group - you are a good spirited guy!

  2. I've been having a good time playing your games!

  3. Thanks for warm words my friends, have an amazing week ahead of You :)
